Going to the NAIS Annual Conference? Please Get Strategic With Us!
Liz and I will be at the NAIS Annual Conference in Orlando next month and are excited to co-facilitate a three-hour workshop on Wednesday afternoon (February 26th) with The Latin School of Chicago:1,000 Voices, One Vision: Uniting a School Through Strategic Planning Diverse perspectives drive innovation, but it can be daunting to engage all of your constituencies. Join us for an experiential session to explore how we strengthened commitment to a new strategic vision with a streamlined and collaborative planning process. Gain concrete tools and creative exercises to kickstart a dynamic and inclusive process at your school.
PRESENTERS: Stephanie Rogen, Greenwich Leadership Partners (CT); Kirk Greer, Randall Dunn, and Charlie Gofen, The Latin School of Chicago (IL)
The workshop is almost full but there are a few spots left, so please consider joining us. Our goal is to create an opportunity to interact and engage - so be prepared to work, talk and think strategically with us as we walk through decision points, questions, and challenges in the planning process. We'd love to know what you think of our format and hope you'll offer lots of feedback. Also, it will be a great opportunity to collaborate with and learn from fellow school leaders and strategic thinkers in attendance. We have a great list of participants so far and are looking forward to interacting with all of them.
And if you can't join us for the workshop, we'd still love to see you. Let us know if you'll be in Orlando so we can catch up!