High-Stakes Decision-Making & Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution and effective decision-making can protect your organization and community from irreparable damage and preserve your commitment to mission.

GLP’s approach to decision-making and conflict resolution is grounded in your values joined with our effective methodologies. We support boards and leaders to navigate high stakes decisions, negotiate effectively, and resolve conflict in ways that uphold values, align to mission, and protect or restore relationships.

Assessment and Analysis

Before diving into a decision-making process or a conflict resolution-process, we conduct a thorough assessment. By understanding the underlying causes and dynamics at play, we tailor our approach to suit the specific context and complexities of the situation, and partner with you to develop clear criteria for decision-making.

Facilitated Conversations

We facilitate structured sessions to address conflict or create a context and criteria for effective decision-making. Our expert guidance ensures that all voices can be heard, encourages open dialogue, and expands collective understanding of the issue. You’ll emerge from the meeting with greater clarity, a strong map for next steps, and one or more potential solutions to move forward.

Skilled Negotiation Support

We support boards and leaders who need to negotiate a solution within a team, with another party, or with an individual. We help you identify common ground and develop creative solutions that address the needs of all parties involved.


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Executive Coaching for Board & Leadership

Guard your values and protect relationships when solutions are not easy to see.

Strategy & Planning

Design and lead your organization into the future.

Board Evolution & Education

Raise the bar for board performance.